A new angle

The Dandy constantly explains his jokes to me, even after I’ve laughed and made a joke back that expanded on his initial joke. He’ll even explain my own jokes back to me. It’s infuriating but it appears to be some sort of compulsion that he simply cannot control.

Usually I react by (if he explains his own joke) facepalming and saying “YES, I GET THE PREMISE, THANK YOU.” Or (if he explains my joke back to me) ranting at him that I’m the one who made the joke and does he really think I make elaborately clever wordplay by total accident with no idea what I’m doing?

The Dandy reacts to this by looking awkward. I’m serious when I say I don’t think he can stop himself from blurting out exposition – he’s definitely aware of my feelings about it and even looks kinda guilty after he does it, but he keeps on keepin’ on. Although, note to self: must remember to watch him in social situations and see if he does this to other people.

Anyway the other night he made a pirate joke and I made one back and he went ahead and gave me a play-by-play of the exchange we’d just fucking had and instead of acting annoyed, I put on a vapid face and little-girl voice and acted like I genuinely didn’t know that there’s a stereotype that pirates drink rum (“but I thought the saying was ‘yo ho ho and a bucket of rocks!’, tee hee derp derp!”). And The Dandy clearly got my point, but in an amused way, not a guilty way (and hey, I just realized, he didn’t explain my dumb little girl schtick back to me).

He’s still annoying as fuck when he narrates our banter, but at least my acting over-the-top ditzy and thanking god for his superior intellect breaks up the monotony a bit. And it leaves us both smiling instead of me being pissed off and him being all sheepish or whatever.

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